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The Weekly Blague

"You Look Like a Monk"

Photo by Mary Lyn Maiscott.


Last week, at an Authors Guild reception, a woman approached me and asked what kind of books I write. I told her that my best-known book is Nowhere Man, a John Lennon biography. She said her name was Suzaan Boettger, she was an art historian, and she'd written a biography of the artist Robert Smithson—Inside the Spiral. Since we had something in common, our conversation continued and she said, "You look like a monk."


"That's not the first time I've heard something like that," I said. And I told her about an encounter that occurred 40 years ago. I was in the Poconos, in Pennsylvania, and I met a man and a woman who said they were psychic potters and past-lives therapists.


"You mean you could tell me what I was in a past life?" I asked.


"Yes," the man said.


"What was I?"


He looked into my eyes and said, "You were an honest priest in a small French village."


"Maybe he sensed your purity," Suzaan Boettger said.


I don't know if I look like a monk, spent a past life in France, or radiate purity to unsuspecting strangers. I'm merely reporting things of religious significance that people have told me.


Above is a photo taken in my workspace the day after the reception. I'll leave it to you to decide what kind of religious figure I look like and how much purity (or lack of purity) I radiate.


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The Best Memoir I've Ever Read

Black Boy, by Richard Wright, was published 80 years ago. The edition I finally got around to reading (and came across by happenstance) contained only the first part, "Southern Night." I didn't know there was a second part, "The Horror and the Glory," until I started writing this. There's no point in reviewing a book I've only half read. Anybody interested in a detailed review can find one elsewhere.


But there are a few things I want to say about the first half of Black Boy. For starters, it's the best memoir I've ever read. I can't think of any other autobiographical work that comes close to this book's raw emotional power. It gives you a visceral sense of what it was like to grow up Black in the Jim Crow South of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee in the first half of the 20th century. (Wright was born in 1908.) Yes, I understood what Jim Crow meant: lynching, segregated schools, Black-and-white water fountains, back of the bus, etc. But I didn't fully understand the everyday fear, humiliation, intimidation, and hopelessness of every ordinary interaction with both white people and Black. There's a disturbing scene on virtually every page.


One more thing: When Donald Trump says, "Make America Great Again," the America of Black Boy is what he's talking about.


Now I've got to read the second half of the book, which solves the problem of what to read next. The first half of Black Boy is a tough act to follow.


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Something in the Air


I've been around for a long time and I thought I'd never live to see anything as malevolent as what Donald Trump and Elon Musk are inflicting daily on America. Not even Nixon comes close. That's why I attended the February 17 Presidents Day protest against the Trump-Musk regime in New York's Washington Square Park. I was part of a vocal crowd that raised their placards high in the air to express their fury at a rogue administration attempting to destroy the foundations of democracy and replace it with an autocratic oligarchy that only a billionaire would want. 


I don't know if such demonstrations will do any good, though if they continue to grow in size and frequency they just might. There are positive signs: a February 22 demonstration in the park urging the corrupt and compromised mayor, Eric Adams, to resign, and a pro–transgender rights demonstration the following day.


I do know that these protests brought to mind the Thunderclap Newman song, from 1969, "Something in the Air," whose lyrics have taken on renewed relevance. The song, written by Speedy Keen and produced by Peter Townshend, begins:


Call out the instigators
Because there's something in the air
We've got to get together sooner or later
Because the revolution's here
And you know it's right


The third verse, however, says this:


Hand out the arms and ammo
We're gonna blast our way through here


Let's hope it doesn't get to that point. But when you threaten people's jobs, healthcare, and retirement—their very way of life, there's no telling what might happen.


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Give Your Brain the Day Off

Photo by Mary Lyn Maiscott


Perhaps you've been attending a demonstration or two, reading more news than is healthy, and every now and then tuning in to the chatterboxes on cable TV. That's how I've been navigating yet another week of daily American trauma. So I'm giving my brain a day off. Okay, maybe not the whole day. Maybe just an hour or so. And I've been looking at the above photo—a snow-frosted Montauk sand dune, the Atlantic Ocean in the background. It relaxes me in a Zen kind of way, takes my mind off the ongoing horrorshow, and stops me from obsessing on the idea that we're all living in Bizarro World Camelot on a cube-shaped planet.


I hope you, too, will find the photo at least a little soothing.

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The Gift of Your Attention

I recently finished reading Collected Stories, by Saul Bellow, the Nobel Prize–winning author who died in 2005. It's a long, dense book that reminded me of what 20th-century critics considered great literature. The stories—most of them are novellas—are filled with aging Jews and celebrated intellectuals. Some of these tales I enjoyed. Others bored the hell out of me. But it wasn't until I got to the last page of the Afterword that I came across something I'd like to share.


This is what Bellow said:


"Now what of writers? They materialize, somehow, and they ask the public (more accurately, a public) for its attention. Perhaps the writer has no actual public in mind. Often his only assumption is that he participates in a state of psychic unity with others not distinctly known to him. The mental condition of these others is understood by him, for it is his condition also. One way or another he understands, or intuits, what the effort, often a secret and hidden effort to put the distracted consciousness in order, is costing. These unidentified or partially identified others are his readers. They have been waiting for him. He must assure them immediately that reading him will be worth their while. They have many times been cheated by writers who promised good value but delivered nothing. Their attention has been abused. Nevertheless, they long to give it."


He goes on to say that a "reader will open his heart and mind" to a writer who troubles "no one with his own vanities, will make no unnecessary gestures, indulge himself in no mannerisms, waste no reader's time. He will write as short as he can."


In other words a writer should make every word count.


And that's exactly what I try to do, every day, for the gift of your attention. I hope that on occasion I have succeeded in holding it, at least for a little while.


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I've Got Nothing to Say...

Photo by Mary Lyn Maiscott.


...because I read the news even though I can't stand reading the news and try not to read the news because every breaking story is a fresh slap in the face that depresses me, makes me feel helpless, and reminds me of all the things beyond my control. That's why my wife and I fled to Montauk for a couple of days the other week. We wanted to forget about reality. And here I am sitting in a cottage by the ocean, scrolling through my phone, probably reading the news and telling myself I shouldn't be reading the news, not here, not now, and that I'd like to go back to the way I was when I was 16, and didn't care about politics, and the only news I read was on the sports pages.


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Midas Man and Madness Cafe

I hope you've had a chance to read my latest piece in The Village Voice, "In Midas Man, Beatles Manager Brian Epstein Is Gay, Famous, and Doomed." It's both a review of the film and an interview with its screenwriter, who talks about pretty much everything having to do with Jews, Beatles, and gay hustlers. If you haven't read it, please click here.


I also spoke about my book Beaver Street with the hosts of Madness Cafe, Jennifer Bolanos and Raquel Howard. We deconstructed the political and feminist aspects of the adult entertainment industry, paying special attention to the Traci Lords affair. It's one of the best conversations I've ever had about pornography. You can listen here or on YouTube, below. Spoiler alert: Jennifer and Raquel loved Beaver Street and hated Beaver Street.


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Greetings From Montauk

We have escaped to Montauk, a little village at the eastern tip of Long Island. It's serene here. This is the view of the Atlantic Ocean from the window of our cottage. I'll be back next week. Till then...

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Return to Beaver Street

In 1983 I found my pornography job in The New York Times.

Every now and then, somebody remembers that I've written a book titled Beaver Street: A History of Modern Pornography. It came out in 2011 in the UK and 2012 in the US.


Beaver Street is an investigative memoir based on my 16-years of experience working as an editor for magazines like Swank, Stag, High Society, and countless others—"from the dawn of phone sex to the skin mag in cyberspace." I also did a lot of research.


In the past few weeks I've talked about Beaver Street on a couple of podcasts.


On Madness Cafe, I discuss feminist aspects of the book and the adult entertainment industry with Raquel Howard and Jennifer Bolanos. Raquel and Jennifer loved parts of Beaver Street but hated other parts. Still, this is one of the best conversations I've ever had about the book. The show goes live Thursday, January 23. When it does, you can find it on Apple Podcasts


Pepper Kat, the host of Spicy Spectrum!, works in the adult entertainment industry. In her latest episode, "Spicy Special: Uncovering Modern Pornography with Author Robert Rosen," we discuss how my experience editing sex magazines has shaped my perspective on culture and media; how adult entertainment mirrors societal shifts; how the portrayal of sexuality in media has evolved alongside changing cultural norms; and how the narratives surrounding adult entertainment impact the broader conversation about identity and freedom of expression.


You can listen here. The audio is a little choppy in parts, and some of the conversation is pretty raw—trigger warning!—but if pornography's impact on American society is a topic that interests you, this is well worth a listen.


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25 Years of Accolades and Attacks

Venezuelan playwright Paúl Salazar included Nowhere Man, along with One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez, on a list of "Five Indispensable Books" that appeared in the newspaper Últimas Noticias on January 31, 2022.

When my first book, Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon, was published 25 years ago, I had no idea what to expect. The manuscript had been kicking around for 18 years before Soft Skull Press brought out the first hardcover edition. One thing I didn't expect was that it would become an instant bestseller in the US and UK. But that's what happened, and since then, there have been many editions in many languages. And here I am, still writing and talking about the book.


What is it about Nowhere Man that's enabled it to endure for a quarter century? Well, from what I've been told, people enjoy reading the book—it takes you into Lennon's head and has the feel of a novel. But more than good writing is necessary for a book to survive this long. So I'd also suggest that the heat and friction generated when accolades and attacks collide (there've been plenty of both) leave people wondering what's true and what isn't, and they want to figure it out for themselves. So they seek out the book. A generation not born when Nowhere Man was originally published have since discovered it.


No writer enjoys being subjected to vicious personal attacks from (mostly) anonymous trolls or having critics rip apart their work. But praise from both readers and professional critics counterbalances the attacks. As Oscar Wilde said, "When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself."


Apparently I've given critics a lot to disagree about. Is Nowhere Man an irresistibly gripping read that's obsessive, corrosive, and unforgettable? Or is it vulgar gossip and lies?


Twenty-five years ago, an excerpt of Nowhere Man that ran as the cover story in Uncut magazine, along with positive coverage in The Times of London, launched the book into the stratosphere. Mojo magazine and Court TV loved it, too. So did Booklist, which is one of the places libraries turn to when deciding which books to acquire. Then Christianity Today (of all places) included Nowhere Man on its list of the 10 best books of 2000. Foreign editions came next, and perhaps the most unexpected thing was the reaction of the media in Spanish-speaking countries. They treated Nowhere Man as literature, especially in Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and eventually Spain. Invitations to discuss the book followed. During a 2003 visit to Mexico and a 2005 visit to Chile, it was as if I'd entered an alternate universe where everything I'd ever worked for had come to pass in a language I didn't speak. (Muchas gracias a los traductores.)


It was enough to make me forget about the attacks, which had begun in 1984, 16 years before Nowhere Man was published. That's when it became public knowledge that I'd had access to Lennon's private diaries and had written a book about what I'd learned.


Forty-one years ago, three articles ran in Playboy, People, and the New York Post. By all appearances, it was a coordinated attack, organized by Yoko Ono, to make me look like a criminal and prevent the story I told in Nowhere Man from ever being published. The day the articles came out, in January 1984, the New York District Attorney's Office informed me that I'd be arrested on criminal conspiracy charges, having to do with my access to Lennon's diaries, unless I signed a document forfeiting my First Amendment rights to tell the story. But the scheme fell apart when David Lewis, a high-powered criminal attorney more accustomed to defending mafiosi, took my case pro bono. A simple phone call Lewis made to the district attorney, telling him, "You're in gross violation of my client's constitutional rights," ended it. I signed nothing. I wasn't arrested. I never heard from the DA again. (I tell this story in more detail in Nowhere Man.)


Years later, after a couple of conspiracy theorists accused me of being a CIA operative involved in Lennon's murder, the Mexican news magazine Proceso ran a piece I wrote, which they titled (translated from the Spanish) "I just believe in one conspiracy: Yoko Ono's against me." (Check out Lennon's song "God" if you don't get the reference.)


Ironically, in 2002, Ono's attorneys subpoenaed me to testify at the copyright infringement trial of Fred Seaman, Lennon's personal assistant who gave me the diaries. My sworn testimony was the very story Ono had tried to suppress in 1984: the "John Lennon's Diaries" chapter of Nowhere Man.


I've come to understand that those who see me or any of my books as a target for their hatred can't help themselves. The best thing I can do is ignore them. Still, personal attacks, often based on the 41-year-old discredited Playboy story, are disturbing. But three years ago, in the Venezuelan newspaper Últimas Noticias, Nowhere Man appeared on a list, compiled by playwright Paúl Salazar, of five indispensable books that also included One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez. That, to me, felt like vindication, and it was the kind of recognition that makes me glad I wrote Nowhere Man.


I write not to get rich quick, as some have ludicrously suggested, but because I feel a primal need to communicate. And I take inspiration from people who've reached out to me to say that Nowhere Man made them want to be a better father or that reading the book out loud to their brother who was recovering from cancer had helped him get through the ordeal.


And speaking of cultural impact, let's not forget about this.

I can hardly wait to see what the next 25 years hold in store.


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Liars of Little Consequence

At a time when the soon-to-be president of the United States is a felonious man-child constitutionally incapable of speaking the truth...


At a time when vast swaths of the American people either don't care that their leaders are lying to them or are unable to distinguish truth from lies...


At a time when a new conspiracy theory is born every minute...


...it seems absurd, especially on the first day of this consequential year, to expend any energy writing about two liars of little consequence.


While there's nothing I can do to change anybody's mind about Donald Trump, perhaps I can still get through to the handful of people who give credence to Elliot Mintz and David Whelan.


If those names mean nothing to you, I applaud your ability to ignore celebrity gossip and conspiracy theories involving the murder of well-known individuals. But having written a book, Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon, that touches on both topics, I've had occasion to encounter both Mintz and Whelan.


Elliot Mintz is a professional liar who would walked over his own grandmother for John Lennon and Yoko Ono (as G. Gordon Liddy said he'd do for Richard Nixon). Critics have panned his memoir, We All Shine On, for its grotesque display of sycophancy towards the ex-Beatle and his wife (see the Irish Independent). The Mexican news agency Amexi picked up "A Masterpiece of Propaganda," my review of the book, and ran it as a feature, "Refuta Robert Rosen las memorias sobre John y Yoko en 'We All Shine On', de Elliot Mintz," detailing my refutation of the lies that permeate the book.


David "Don't Call Me a Conspiracy Theorist" Whelan believes a mysterious right-wing cabal programmed Mark David Chapman to be a Manchurian patsy—that he did not shoot Lennon and that there was a second shooter, a professional assassin, who got away. Similar conspiracy theories, in circulation for 44 years, have come to nothing. Whelan is aware that his quest to prove this theory is pointless but chooses to continue.


I believe that Chapman, suffering from severe mental illness, shot Lennon.


My issue with Whelan is the lies he weaves into his interviews and blog posts (I've not read his book), especially when information surfaces that casts doubt on his theories. Three months ago, I wrote about his research techniques after we both recorded an episode of Robert Rodriguez's podcast, Something About the Beatles (SATB). I learned after the show that Whelan had made a number of false statements. This is what I wrote at the time:


The 27th Round


The Conspiracy Hustler


Did John Lennon's Killer Ask Him for a Job?


SATB 297 was broadcast last week. I said on the show that Whelan came to my attention when he misrepresented himself to Lennon's friend and gardener, Michael "Mike Tree" Medeiros, as a fact checker for 72 Films, the production company that made Murder Without a Trial. (Medeiros had been interviewed for the film.) So I knew Whelan was capable of lying, but I wasn't prepared for his style of conversation—interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, and attempt to never stop talking. Bury the listener under too much information and disinformation. Create confusion and doubt rather than illumination and clarity. It's the same game all conspiracy theorists play.


Reading Whelan's blog is like drowning in a cesspool. The hatred towards me that comes across in his writing is extraordinary. His efforts to discredit me read like a cry for help. When it comes to his critique of my work on SATB, he's wrong when he says there's no record of Chapman saying to a psychiatrist that he felt "like a bloodied prizefighter in the 27th round," as I wrote in Nowhere Man. (There's an easily accessible record.) He's wrong when he says he knows I wasn't at Chapman's sentencing hearing because I didn't explicitly say in Nowhere Man, "I was there." (I wrote the story in the third person.) He's wrong when he says my description of Chapman looking proud of what he did can't be true because nobody else described him that way. (That's how he looked as police marched him out of the courtroom.)


What else does he say on his blog, in his book, and in his interviews that isn't true? I don't know, but my guess would be plenty more.


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Have Yourself a Merry Little...

The menorah and Christmas tree in the lobby of my building.


This week, I'm going to forget about everything and concentrate on the idea of a peaceful holiday season. So here's wishing everybody a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and joyful anything else you might be celebrating. I don't have any Hanukkah songs handy, but to help with your celebration, here are a couple of Christmas songs, one original, one classic, from our good friend (my wife) Mary Lyn Maiscott.



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The Lennon Connection


By Mary Lyn Maiscott

As Robert Rosen's wife, I've sometimes felt as if I were also living with the spirit of John Lennon. This has been mostly good, but I once told a journalist in Mexico City that there had been times when I never wanted to hear the words "John Lennon" again. (I imagine anyone who's lived with a biographer can relate.) That was long ago, and since then Bob's connection with Lennon has become a beautiful, if intricate, part of the fabric of our life together. Last January we both took part in an event in Seville centered on Bob's book Nowhere Man. I'm a singer-songwriter and aside from doing a few original songs, I performed "I'm Losing You," "You Can't Do That," and "Now and Then," which had just come out a couple of months before.

The phrase "now and then" also figures into a song I wrote and recently released as a digital single. "Mild December" was partly inspired by last Christmas evening, which Bob and I spent with our friend Michael Medeiros, aka "Mike Tree," as Lennon called him when he was John's gardener. After dinner, we settled into Michael's cozy living room to listen to music and talk. Lennon seemed to hover over us that night, and when I looked up the weather for December 1980, I saw that it was mild then too.


The recording was produced by Adam Tilzer, with Danny Bradley on drums, and mastered by Nick Miller. You can read the lyrics below:


Mild December


It was a mild December

When we had our Christmas meal 

Spicy puttanesca

Red wine for the reveal


You played a tape just for me 

I heard the stops and starts

Then we went out on the fire escape

Those geraniums had heart


And you said you were unwanted

But you screamed that all away

Then you strutted with a puffed-up chest

To a Central Park West subway


And now you've got an aerie

A nest that's rent controlled

I walked up all those steps for you

Just wishing for some snow


And I played a mix of my new song

You said I got it kinda wrong

But I won't go that low for you, my friend 

I read the writing on your wall

But honey I can take a fall

Progress not perfection I agree


And then you bit into a gummy

Said you just had one a day

But you would eat that whole damn bag

Just to make those memories fade


'Cause that girl was gonna kill you

You found her gun and split in two

One part floated near her bed

She'd used her best voodoo


And you said you liked Folk City

When you were oh so young

You drank a lot in Gerdes' place

Now it's got you on the run


Well, you are such a gentle man

But the whiskey made you mean

Lashing out at those you love

Yeah, I've heard about that scene


And I played a mix of my new song

You said I got it kinda wrong

But I won't go that low for you, my friend 

I read the writing on your wall

But honey you can take a fall

You didn't need that four bucks anyway


You got snakebit in the desert

You hear the rattle in your ear

You think my song is fiction 

We can go with that, my dear


Still you took care of her jade tree

Its leaves like blades could cut 

But money showered in its wake

Or that's the scuttlebutt


I played CBGB's

When I was oh so young

I wanted more from Hilly's place

But still I had my fun


And it was a mild December

When he stepped from his car 

I lose you now and then, it seems

But you never go too far


Can we ever really change

So many cells to rearrange

I walked up those steep steps for you

Just the way he did before everything blew


It was a mild December

It was a mild December

It was a mild December

It was a mild December

It was a mild December

It was a mild December

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A Masterpiece of Propaganda

We All Shine On: John, Yoko, & Me

By Elliot Mintz


293 pages



If you were to pull all the sycophantic lines out of We All Shine On, Elliot Mintz's memoir about his relationship with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, you'd have enough material to fill a small, stand-alone volume. The full effect of his obsequiousness doesn't hit you until you're well into the book. For me it reached a breaking point on page 262, when Lennon asks Mintz if there's anything he doesn't like about Double Fantasy, Lennon's final album, a collaboration with Ono. "I can't think of anything I don't love about it," Mintz says, not daring to utter a single word that might convey the slightest hint of negativity about Ono's questionable contributions, which make up half an LP that Lennon, in his own journals, called "mediocre." 

The harshest thing Mintz can bring himself to say about Ono is that it seemed risky "that she put so much faith in the occult." But he also notes that when he was working as a radio journalist she ruined his interview with Baba Ram Das, the psychologist, when she insulted him, saying that he sounded "a little phony," and she (and Lennon) constantly interrupted his interview with Salvador Dalí. (He took Lennon and Ono to the interviews because, he says, they wanted to go and "there was no way I could say no.") Otherwise he showers Ono with praise, saying that she is "a complicated woman, gaming out her future like a chess master thinking five moves ahead"; writes music that's "inspiring," "sweet," "poetic," and "comforting"; and manipulates John "with the cool precision of a doctor preparing for an amputation." Mintz also seems to agree with Lennon's assessment of Ono that she's "always right." 

Mintz does not treat Lennon with the same unflagging respect. Though he never criticized John to his face, the ex-Beatle's repeated verbal abuse seems to have left Mintz with a certain amount of resentment. And it comes across in his descriptions of Lennon's egregious and well-documented character flaws. But if he'd ignored them, the book's lack of credibility would be even more obvious. 

Lennon's alcohol-fueled ugliness casts a shadow over We All Shine On. Mintz is often "all but carrying" a drunken Lennon somewhere. A typical incident takes place in Tokyo in 1977. Mintz and Lennon are drinking in a sake bar. The crowd recognizes John and goes nuts. Mintz and Lennon flee into the street, but Lennon wants to drink more. Mintz insists they return to the hotel. Lennon grabs him by the lapels, slams him against a wall, and says, "If I want to have a fucking drink, you're not standing in my way." (On another occasion, a completely sober Lennon says to Mintz, "I'm gonna ask you to do anything I fucking feel like asking you. Don't ever tell me what I can or can't say to you.")

The worst episode occurs in 1973 after Lennon and Ono separate and he moves to LA with May Pang, his assistant who became his lover. Ono has instructed Mintz, based in LA, to look after John because, he says, he was "functionally a child when it came to taking care of himself." One night, while living at record producer Lou Adler's house, Lennon, in a drunken rage after a difficult recording session with Phil Spector, smashes Adler's gold records with a walking stick until security guards subdue him and tie him to a chair. Mintz arrives to find Lennon still raging and demanding to be untied. "Then," he writes, "John spat out an epithet so hurtful and offensive… I can't bring myself to repeat it." (Lennon, I'd imagine, used a more vicious variation of the "queer Jew" remark he said to Brian Epstein when Epstein asked him to suggest a title for his memoir—he called it A Cellar Full of Noise.)

Mintz's treatment of May Pang underscores the book's lack of credibility.

Where Pang was during this incident is unclear, and it's Mintz's treatment of her that underscores the book's lack of credibility. After he picked up John and May at the airport, he says, he seldom saw her again in LA and can't recall a single conversation, in LA or New York, in which John mentioned her name. He writes her out of the story, challenging Pang's perceptions of her relationship with Lennon and implying that she's delusional if she thinks Lennon had deep feelings for her. He says that her account of what happened in LA gives you the impression that "she was the red hot center of John's universe" when, in fact, her only job "was to make sure John was properly fed and cared for." The furthest Mintz goes is to admit that John had some "genuine affection for her." May, according to Mintz, was nothing, and Yoko was his only true love. 

If it's true that Mintz rarely saw John and May together in LA, it's because Lennon didn't want him to see them together and have Mintz report back to Yoko. And if John never spoke to Mintz about May, it's because John continued seeing her after he returned to Yoko. According to Lennon's own journals, he saw May anytime he could get away from Yoko and carried a flame for her until the end. John wanted them both but Yoko wouldn't allow it.

Yet We All Shine On, despite its credibility issues, is an entertaining book, and Mintz, who doesn't credit a ghostwriter, shows flashes of writing talent. Though there's the occasional cliché ("after what felt like an eternity"); the intermittent slip into PR-speak ("No one can capture the way Lennon talks in writing"); and a handful of overdone similes (in the same paragraph Mintz is "like a tragic character in an Edgar Allan Poe story" and a moment in the Dakota is "like a scene from a classic film noir thriller"), he knows how to tell a story. And there are a few stories that even the most avid Lennon fanatics probably haven't heard. For example, Lennon and Mintz, on their way to the airport in LA, stop, on John's command, at a seedy strip club, the Losers, and even as the dancers gyrate inches from Lennon's face, they don't recognize him—he's too out of context. And Mintz's melancholy recollection of Lennon and Paul McCartney's awkward Christmas reunion at the Dakota nicely illustrates how the ex-Beatles had grown apart and had little to talk about.

There are also some charming descriptions of Laurel Canyon in the early 1970s, when Mintz lived there, and of Karuizawa, Japan, in 1977, where he spent time with Lennon and Ono. 

Mintz does manage to make himself seem sympathetic with a relatable backstory. He grew up in Washington Heights, in upper Manhattan, at the time a working-class Jewish neighborhood. His father, a Polish immigrant, worked in the garment business. Mintz was shy, awkward, and smaller than his classmates. He also stuttered, which led to his being bullied. Wanting to work in radio, he studied broadcasting at Los Angeles City College and overcame his stutter. His big break came while still in college, in 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. One of his classmates was in the marines with JFK's killer, Lee Harvey Oswald. Mintz interviewed him, and by the end of the day the interview had been broadcast all over the city. Soon he had a job interviewing rock stars and beat poets on late-night radio. Impressed by Ono's experimental LP Fly, he interviewed her, it went well, and she started calling him all the time. Sometimes they talked for as long as seven hours. Then he interviewed Lennon and soon had a hotline installed in his house exclusively for Lennon and Ono, as well as a red light over his bed that flashed when they called in the middle of the night. (Mintz claims he has a photographic memory and can "reconstruct complete conversations" he had with Lennon and Ono a half-century ago. He most likely recorded them, a common practice among the Lenono company employees.) "I had come to accept that being at John and Yoko's beck and call was becoming my mission in life," he writes. "Why I accepted that mission, I couldn't tell you. I just did." 

Maybe Mintz's personal life was empty and the Lenono connection filled him with the identity he craved.

To venture a guess: Maybe his personal life was empty and the Lenono connection filled him with the identity he craved.

One of the book's oddities is Mintz's irrelevant and distracting emphasis on his girlfriends, which, to venture another guess, nobody really cares about. But he wants you to know that he did, indeed, have girlfriends. He refers a number of times to his impossibly demanding relationship with John and Yoko and their endless phone calls as the reason he never married and had children. "If only I'd had the strength to resist the undefinable magnetic pull [of John and Yoko], I might have ended up having a more balanced, traditional existence," he writes. Instead, he says, he was married to John and Yoko.

The girlfriend dynamic plays out in a story he tells about a "stunningly beautiful" woman he met at the Troubadour club, in LA, in 1971. He of the photographic memory can't remember her name but says she might have been his "soulmate." He's in bed with her when Ono calls at four a.m. Maybe, he thinks, he shouldn't take the call. But he takes it, and he's on the phone for more than an hour talking with her about losing weight. His girlfriend wakes up and wants to know what's going on. He can't tell her. John and Yoko are a secret, and divulging the friendship would be breaking their "unspoken code of trust" (which becomes spoken when Ono orders him, "Just keep us your secret"). Mintz's potential soulmate leaves and he never sees her again.

Another peculiarity is Mintz's take on his multitude of celebrity friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. The name-dropping is intense: Sal Mineo, Mickey Dolenz, David Cassidy, Donovan, Brian Wilson, Beau and Jeff Bridges, Alice Cooper, Paris Hilton, Joni Mitchell, Linda Ronstadt, Carole King, David Crosby, Stephen Stills. He says he doesn't know exactly why celebrities are attracted to him. "I never sought out relationships with famous people; they just somehow gravitated towards me…. It's the story of my life, being befriended by the fabled and adored." His best guess is that he's done so many celebrity interviews, he's not starstruck, and I'm sure that's part of it. But Mintz is also small (Ono size), unthreatening, discreet, takes abuse well, and follows orders. Most importantly, he had popular radio and TV shows that provided a safe space, devoid of uncomfortable questions, where celebrities could promote their work.

Mintz obliterates his last shreds of credibility when he tells the story of Fred Seaman, John and Yoko's personal assistant.

In the final part of the book, which covers the aftermath of Lennon's murder, Mintz obliterates his last shreds of credibility when he tells the story of Fred Seaman, John and Yoko's personal assistant and Lennon's paid companion—essentially one of Mintz's New York counterparts. I'm intimately familiar with this particular lie because it involves me. For a detailed account of what happened, I'd direct you to my own book Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon, especially a chapter titled "An Open Letter to G. Barry Golson." Golson was the Playboy magazine editor who, in 1984, shepherded into print a more elaborate version of the tale that Mintz has been peddling for more than 40 years and that he dictated to David and Victoria Sheff who are credited with writing the story. 

In We All Shine On, Mintz says that after Lennon's murder Seaman, portraying himself as "Lennon's true disciple," smuggled out of the Dakota five of John's personal journals, gave them to me, and instructed me to write a "tell-all book." 

One part of this is true: Seaman did give me Lennon's journals. As I describe in Nowhere Man, he told me that in the summer of 1980, when Lennon was in Bermuda working on Double Fantasy, he had a premonition of his death—listen to "Borrowed Time," recorded in Bermuda—and if anything should happen to him, it was Seaman's job to tell the true story of his life and use any research material he needed.

As I later testified under oath, at Seaman's 2002 copyright infringement trial: Yes, I believed him. I had no reason not to. Seaman, a close and trusted friend, had always been supportive of my writing career and wanted me to help him write John's biography. The journals alone were proof enough that he was telling the truth. It didn't seem possible that he could just walk out of the Dakota with John's diaries unless he'd been authorized to do so.

The project blew up in my face in 1983 when Seaman ransacked my apartment while I was out of town, taking everything I'd been working on. I then came forward and told Ono what happened. She asked to see my diaries beginning from the day she hired Seaman. Mintz was one of the people she gave them to: 500,000 words, written in the heat of the moment, most of them on teletype paper run through an IBM Selectric typewriter—a Kerouac-inspired literary experiment. Mintz and the Playboy team combed through those pages searching for anything they could use in their article that would damage me and Seaman. From those half-million words they cherry-picked about 200, and distorted them with their own commentary.

One sentence pilfered from my diary originally described Ono's unparalleled ability to exploit the Lennon name only months after his death: "Dead Lennons equal big $" (as Mintz slightly misquotes it). Forty years ago in Playboy and now in his book, Mintz turns the line around to say it's a description of my own and Seaman's attitude toward Lennon's murder. Except Mintz now says that Seaman "scrawled" the line in his own diaries. Why he attributes it to Seaman and says it was scrawled rather than typewritten appears to be a gratuitous lie intended to do nothing more than further damage Seaman. 

Another probable (though harmless) lie is Mintz's account of how he found out Lennon had been murdered. He says his mother called him because she heard on the radio somebody had been shot "at that building on Seventy-Second Street you're always visiting." He tries calling the Dakota but can't get anyone on the phone. He turns on the TV. Nothing. (It doesn't occur to him to turn on KNX, LA's all-news radio station.) In a panic he decides to fly to New York and drives to the airport, but the radio in his Jaguar isn't working. Walking through the airport, he sees nothing, hears nothing. On the plane, a crying flight attendant emerges from the cockpit. He asks her what's wrong and she tells him John Lennon is dead. The story simply does not have the ring of truth, and it's a reminder that little in this book can be taken at face value and every word, especially about Lennon and Ono, should be regarded with extreme skepticism. 

More lies: When Albert Goldman's 1988 biography, The Lives of John Lennon, is published, Mintz asks Ono to do a radio interview to dispel "rumors" that "John's 'househusband' image was a public relations fraud" and that he was a devotee of prostitutes. It's more or less true that Lennon was kind of a quasi-househusband at times, but he did have a masseuse regularly come to the Dakota to manually pleasure him (Ringo walked in one such session) and he did visit prostitutes in South Africa when he went there in April 1980. He wrote about it in his journals.

Another one of Mintz's New York counterparts, Michael "Mike Tree" Medeiros, Lennon's gardner, personal assistant, and friend (Ono's attorneys have blocked the publication of his memoir), disputes a number of Mintz's claims about what happened when he arrived at the Dakota after John's murder. Mintz says he saw Lennon's blood on the pavement as he entered the building. Medeiros says the blood was cleaned up long before Mintz arrived. Mintz says he spent a lot of time with Ono's employees "fielding a never-ending barrage of phone calls." According to Medeiros, one of the people fielding those calls, Mintz never fielded any phone calls.

Yes, these are minor threads in a tapestry of lies, and to point out more would be redundant. But they do show that the essential problem with the book is how to discern truth from Mintz's skillfully spun PR fantasies. Perhaps it's best to keep in mind that the author of We All Shine On gave up a journalism career to lie on command for Lennon and Ono, to be their G. Gordon Liddy—a man who would walk over his own grandmother for John and Yoko (as Liddy said he'd do for Richard Nixon).

We All Shine On is both a fairy tale and a masterpiece of propaganda. It's the flip side of Seaman's book, The Last Days of John Lennon, also a well-crafted, entertaining read with serious credibility issues but that has nothing good to say about Ono (and that Ono's attorneys were able to force out of print). 

In the case of both books, truth seekers would be well advised to look elsewhere.


Disponible en español


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Signed Books for the Holidays


Every holiday season I make available signed copies of many of my books. This year I'm offering the five you see above. I'm not set up for e-commerce, so if you're interested in buying one of these titles, contact me through the website and I'll send you the details. I can send the books anywhere, but if you live outside the US, be aware that postage is more than the price of the book. Here's the price list, which includes postage:


Nowhere Man (new edition, red cover) $23

Nowhere Man (old edition, yellow cover) $21

Nowhere Man (Spanish edition) $19

A Brooklyn Memoir (revised edition of Bobby in Naziland) $25

Bobby in Naziland $25


Wishing you all a happy and peaceful holiday!


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Jorge for the Holidays


Last week's post about muralist Jorge Manjarrez went over so well on social media, for the holidays I'm posting another photo of Jorge's T-shirts. The two T-shirts seen here, with Robert Smith of The Cure printed directly on the shirt, and Jim Morrison as the King of Hearts printed on plastic and fused to the shirt, are only two examples of the wide variety of work Jorge does. He's best known for painting murals on Mexico City's subway stations, but also does illustrations for major Mexican newspapers and magazines, and has a line of playing cards illustrated with portraits of 54 (two jokers) different musicians and bands.


Julio Malone and I are collaborating with Jorge on turning our screenplay, The Diaries of Juan Dolio, into a graphic novel. This is the beginning of not only a beautiful partnership but what I think will be a most interesting collaboration.


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They're Sending Their Muralists


Jorge Manjarrez paints murals on the walls of Mexico City's subway stations. This is an official job, not graffiti. He also does illustrations for major Mexican newspapers and magazines; has a line of T-shirts featuring his portraits of rock stars, like the one above; and created a deck of playing cards, also illustrated with musicians' portraits. (You can see more of his work on Facebook.)


Jorge was recently in New York to paint a mural on the wall of a Mexican restaurant in Yonkers. Roberto Ponce, my editor at Proceso magazine, asked me to meet Jorge—because he's interested in turning a screenplay I wrote many years ago, in English and Spanish, with Julio Malone, into a graphic novel. The screenplay, The Diaries of Juan Dolio, was Roberto's idea. He thought he could get it produced in Mexico. The story is a fictional outgrowth of my book Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon.


In the screenplay, Juan Dolio is a diary-keeping Mexican rock superstar living in New York City. When he's murdered by an insane fan, his personal assistant, Luke, liberates the diaries, and with Dolio's widow's security thugs in hot pursuit, makes a run for the Mexican border intent on returning the diaries to the Mexican people as part of their cultural heritage.


Well, Jorge made it back to Mexico with the screenplay, and I look forward to sharing some of his illustrations for The Diaries of Juan Dolio, sooner or later to be a graphic novel.


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The Night Nixon Won

The front page of OP in the run-up to the 1972 Nixon-McGovern presidential election.


The events of November 5 reminded me of another election 52 years ago. The Republican candidate, Richard Nixon, running for a second term, was arguably more distasteful than the current president-elect. And the Democratic candidate, George McGovern, running to end the war in Vietnam, was doomed to lose, according to every poll. A scene in the book I'm working on, about a radical, antiwar student newspaper, OP, at the the City College of New York, takes place Election Day, 1972.


The reference to Geraldo Rivera needs some explanation. In 1972, Rivera was a superstar, quasi-hippie TV reporter who came to City College to give a speech in support of McGovern. He assured the crowd that McGovern was going to win.


Watergate by this time had already begun to consume Nixon. Yet the wise people of America voted for him anyway, in overwhelming numbers. But 18 months later the scandal would drive Nixon from the White House.


The scene below is a reminder of how quickly things can change. It's from Chapter 14, tentatively titled either "Rebuild Your Heads Like a Bombed-Out City" or "Hope Is the Only Illusion," both titles based on quotes from a speech Reverend Daniel Berrigan gave at City College just before the election.



I'm thrilled to pull the lever for George McGovern, voting for the first time in an election that matters—even though I understand like everyone (with the possible exception of Geraldo Rivera) that his chances are nil or close to it. Yet part of me continues to cling to the illusion of hope.


Naomi and I watch the election returns dribble in, and as the inevitable creeps closer I go home around midnight to witness the bitter end with my stoic mother, a nominal Democrat who voted for McGovern, and my law-and-order-Republican father.


"Who'd you vote for?" I ask him.


"That's my business," he says.


The outcome's worse than anyone predicted. Only Massachusetts and the District of Colombia go for McGovern. In the other 49 states it's a Nixon massacre. He finishes with 520 electoral votes and 60.7 percent of the popular vote, more than any Republican presidential candidate in history. The final score: Nixon, 47 million; McGovern, 29 million.


I sit in front of the TV imagining the despair of Steve and my other OP colleagues who'd fought so hard for so long for anything but this. Peace is not at hand or around the corner or anyplace else nearby. The "light at the end of the tunnel" is an oncoming train. The war might indeed go on for the rest of my life, and I know that even with my golden draft-lottery number I better find a way to stay in college, forever if possible, because if the war's still ongoing in, say, 1984 (to pick a year at random), the government could just end the lottery and draft everybody who's upright and breathing.


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How I Got Into the Harvard of the Proletariat


For several years I've been working on a book about my experiences at a radical student newspaper, Observation Post, at the City College of New York, in the 1970s. I was a member of the first open admissions class, and I wouldn't have gotten into City if not for open admissions. My high school average and SAT scores weren't good enough for the "Harvard of the Proletariat." But after this experiment in higher education was implemented in September 1970, all you needed to get into CCNY was to graduate in the top half of your high school class. That much I'd done.


Open admissions wasn't meant for underachieving middle-class white kids. The student uprising that shut down City in the spring of 1969 came about because the school, in the middle of Harlem, was 97 percent white. The Black and Puerto Rican protest leaders wanted the student body to reflect the makeup of the neighborhood and New York City's public high schools.


Open admissions was a direct result of the protests.


The Five Demands, directed by Greta Schiller and Andrea Weiss, is the story of the uprising told from a very different perspective than I tell it in a chapter titled "How I Got Into the Harvard of the Proletariat." In the spring of 1969 I had no idea what was going on at City College. But my free education, especially my tenure on Observation Post, was life-changing. That's why I spend my days writing about it, trying to make sense of what I now realize was a miracle.


You can stream The Five Demands here.


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Halloween Parade


Permit me to take a week off from analyzing conspiracy theories so I can celebrate Halloween, which is impossible to ignore in my neighborhood. New York's Halloween parade goes right by my building. It's big, loud, and long, and I'm expecting to see lots of Kamalas and Trumps. If you're unfamiliar with the Halloween parade, give this Lou Reed song a listen. It's called "Halloween Parade."


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Did John Lennon's Killer Ask Him for a Job?

For the better part of the past 12 years I've been excavating my memory for material. A Brooklyn Memoir, set in Flatbush when I was a child, is one result of this excavation. I began writing the book with only an image in my head of my father in his candy store, in 1961, and a germ of an idea: Something interesting was happening at this time and in this place, and it was worth exploring. What I learned over the many years I worked on the book is that if you think about something every day for an extended period of time, you're going to remember things you thought were long forgotten, and the more you remember the more you remember.


I bring this up now because of my debate with a conspiracy theorist about the murder of John Lennon that will go live on Robert Rodriguez's podcast, Something About the Beatles, sometime in December. As misguided as I find David Whelan and his theories about who really killed Lennon, and as sloppy and ill-informed as some of his research is (I discuss it here and here), I give him credit for getting me to consider certain things I haven't thought about in the 25 years since I wrote the Mark David Chapman section of Nowhere Man. For example, there's a scene where Lennon, the afternoon before the murder, signs Chapman's copy of Double Fantasy. I wrote that Chapman asked him for a job. Whelan says that I'm the only one who reported this and demanded to know where I got the information. I told him I got it from Lennon's assistant Fred Seaman.


Whelan says that Seaman wasn't there to witness the exchange. According to Seaman's memoir, The Last Days of John Lennon, he was there.* A former Lenono Music employee reminded me who was also there to witness it. Paul Goresh, who died in 2018, is the photographer who took the picture of Lennon signing Chapman's album.


The week of December 8, 1980, Seaman came to my apartment. It was the first time I'd seen him since Lennon was killed. One of the things we talked about was Chapman asking John for a job. And now that I think about it, I can almost hear him say that he heard the story from Goresh. Can this detail of a 44-year-old memory be trusted? I don't know. But if he did hear about it from Goresh, it would make sense. Seaman and Goresh knew each other, they did talk on occasion, and it seems likely that they would have discussed the photo.


Whelan also got me thinking about the conversation I had with the publisher of Soft Skull Press when he asked me to write about Chapman. What I'd forgotten was that he'd originally wanted me to write that Chapman was part of a conspiracy. I refused. I told him I didn't believe it. At the time, I'd given little thought to the idea of a conspiracy—it would be several months before an insane conspiracy theorist would say I was a CIA archivist who was somehow involved in the plot to eliminate Lennon. (Several years later, an even crazier conspiracy theorist would say I was a CIA spymaster who plotted with Ronald Reagan and Edward Teller, the father of the H-bomb, to assassinate the ex-Beatle.)


I told the publisher I could write a better story if I wrote what felt true: Chapman, suffering from severe mental illness, acted alone.


My only purpose in writing the Chapman section of Nowhere Man was to tell a compelling story that would give people some understanding of a seemingly inexplicable act. I wrote it as a thriller. I got inside Chapman's head just as I'd gotten inside Lennon's head. And to write about Chapman was liberating after feeling that Yoko Ono and her attorneys were looking over my shoulder as I was making the final corrections on the main Lennon section of the manuscript. I think it's this combination of style and information that has kept people reading Nowhere Man for a quarter of a century.


A critic for the British music magazine Mojo noticed. "Rather like reading a favorite detective story," he wrote. "Though you know how the story's going to end, you still wind up willing the events to unfold differently."


*During the Whelan debate, I'd forgotten that Seaman had written in his memoir that he was there when Lennon signed Chapman's album. In the unlikely event that Whelan was able to interview Seaman, as he said he was going to do, I'd like to know if Seaman contradicted his memoir. So numerous are Whelan's misstatements, I'm now also wondering if it's true, as he claimed during the debate, that Chapman's statement, "I feel like a bloodied prizefighter in the 27th round," is not in the court transcript. (See my previous post, "The 27th Round.")


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The Conspiracy Hustler

Last week, in a post titled "The 27th Round," I wrote about David Whelan, a conspiracy theorist whom I sort of debated—Whelan mostly talks, interrupts, and talks some more—on an episode of Robert Rodriguez's podcast, Something About the Beatles, scheduled to go live sometime in December. Whelan believes that a mysterious right-wing cabal programmed Mark David Chapman, the man currently in prison for the murder of John Lennon, to be a Manchurian patsy who didn't shoot the ex-Beatle—the real killer is a professional assassin who got away.


I, in short, don't believe it.


Whelan went into his investigation with the preconceived notion that Lennon was the victim of a conspiracy. Consequently, everything looks to him like a clue pointing in the direction of conspiracy and nobody is above suspicion, with the possible exceptions of Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon, who was five at the time of the murder (but now, Whelan says, knows more than he's letting on).


In an episode of SATB released October 10, after the debate was recorded, Rodriguez interviewed Whelan again. Whelan, who wrote a conspiracy-theory book, Mind Games, and shares his theories on Substack and in many interviews, says that much of what I say about Chapman in Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon is "laughable." This is an unsurprising response from somebody I've called a "conspiracy hustler" because he misrepresented himself to Lennon's assistant Michael "Tree" Medeiros in order to get him to agree to an interview. Whelan denies he did this.


"I gave the producers of the UK documentary John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial extensive video interviews, which were never used in the final cut," Medeiros says. "A few days after those interviews, I got a phone call from David Whelan, who said he called to check my quotes for the doc. This turned out to be untrue. I believe he was fishing for additional info for his crazy conspiracy theory book."


It would be an exercise in tedium if I were to refute all of Whelan's misstatements in our debate, in his recent SABT interview, on his blog, and in his book, which I've made a point of not reading because it's clear what he thinks from reading his blog and listening to his interviews. But I do want to point out two of his misstatements in the October 10 SATB interview.


Whelan says that in Nowhere Man, I called Chapman "an art dealer," and that it's "laughable" that I say he raised the money to travel from Hawaii to New York City by selling a few pieces of art.


This is what I say in Nowhere Man:


Chapman fancies himself an art aficionado. For years he's been acquiring paintings, lithographs, objets d'art. First he sells a $5,000 Salvador Dali gold plaque, originally purchased with a loan from his father-in-law. Then, with a $2,500 loan from his mother, he purchases a Norman Rockwell print titled "Triple Self Portrait." Shrewdly, he's able to sell it to a collector for a good profit.


I based this paragraph on details I found in the Chapman bio Let Me Take You Down, by Jack Jones, who interviewed Chapman in prison. The book was the definitive source of information about Chapman's life when I wrote about him in Nowhere Man in 1999. Whelan thinks Let Me Take You Down is worthless and questions if Jones is really a journalist. (He was a reporter and columnist on The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.)


It's the same book I cited in my "27th Round" post. Whelan, in the debate, said that I'm the only writer who quoted Chapman at his sentencing hearing saying, "I feel like a bloodied prizefighter in the 27th round." (Whelan questions if I really attended the hearing—yes, I did.) And he said that no information exists indicating that, as I wrote in Nowhere Man, this is what Chapman told a psychiatrist after a suicide attempt. I directed Whelan to the page in Let Me Take You Down that has this information. Let Me Take You Down, apparently, is impervious to Whelan's research techniques. (Pro tip: Look in the index.)


Whelan gave me a sense of what his research techniques might be during the debate. He said that I was the only one who reported that Chapman asked Lennon for a job when John signed his copy of Double Fantasy outside the Dakota the afternoon before the murder. He asked me where I heard this. I said that Lennon's assistant Fred Seaman told me about it several days after the murder. If Seaman was not there to witness this, as Whelan claims, then somebody who was there must have told him about it. I saw no reason why Seaman would lie about this particular detail. So I took his statement at face value and included it in Nowhere Man.


"I'm going to ask Seaman," Whelan said.


Will Seaman remember what he told me in passing 44 years ago? Unlikely, but who knows? And even if Seaman remembers, would he deny it? Possibly. But let's stick to the most likely scenario of this imagined interview: Seaman doesn't remember, which gives Whelan what he wants—a contradiction that raises suspicions of... something.


Whelan's other misstatement in the October 10 podcast involves Sidney Gottlieb, the CIA employee in charge of their MK-ULTRA mind-control program, the agency's attempt to create programmed assassins (or patsies, as the case may be) with a combination of drugs and hypnosis. Whelan says it's "laughable" that I take Gottlieb at his word that MK-ULTRA was a failure. It's not that I take Gottlieb at his word, though he would have known more about the program than anybody, and the possibility exists that he could have been telling the truth. My point was that there's no credible evidence to prove that MK-ULTRA was successful. Of course, there's no credible evidence to prove that it was a failure, either. The CIA destroyed their MK-ULTRA files in the 1970s. It's this lack of evidence that conspiracy theorists use as proof that it's possible to create programmed assassins who will commit murder at a specific time, in a specific place, in a specific way, and the CIA as well as some mysterious right-wing entities have, indeed, created such assassins (and patsies).


I have no doubt that it's possible to use MK-ULTRA techniques to get certain people predisposed to violence to commit mayhem. What I don't believe is that it's possible to control somebody for weeks and months at a time, as if they're a robot, before the command is given to commit mayhem—or to induce somebody to believe they're committing mayhem, as would have been the case with Chapman.


Like virtually all conspiracy theories, this one will never be proven or disproven. Without certainty, what's left is common sense and Occam's Razor, a philosophical concept that says if you have two or more theories to explain an event, the simpler, more straightforward one is usually correct.


And I do wonder: If a number of Whelan's statements about me are false, which he should have known from basic research, what else is wrong with the "facts" he uses to attempt to show that a mysterious right-wing cabal programmed Chapman to be a Manchurian patsy who did not kill Lennon?


I'll leave it to a more dedicated researcher to pick apart Whelan's thesis, line by tedious line.


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The 27th Round

My book Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon has been under scrutiny for 25 years. Since early 2000, when the publisher first distributed advance reader copies, I've done somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 interviews. I often think I've been asked and have answered every possible question. But sometimes I'm surprised.


Last week I participated in a… let's call it a panel discussion though it was probably more of a debate, on Robert Rodriquez's podcast, Something About the Beatles, broadcast date TBA. Rodriguez and Carole Kirstein-Chase, an attorney, acted as moderators. The other panelist was David Whelan, author of Mind Games, a book that suggests a mysterious right-wing cabal programmed Mark David Chapman to be a Manchurian patsy, that he did not shoot Lennon, and that there was a second shooter who got away.


My contention is that similar conspiracy theories have been circulating for 44 years, none of them have come to anything, and Chapman did it.


Nowhere Man's "Chapter 27," named after the so-called missing chapter of J.D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye, is about Chapman's sentencing hearing, which I attended. (Whelan disputes that I was there.) In the chapter, I quote Chapman saying, "I feel like a bloodied prizefighter in the 27th round." I also say that this is what he told a psychiatrist after a suicide attempt.


Whelan asked me three questions about this quote that I'd never been asked: Why isn't it in the court transcript? Why did nobody else report it? Why is there no mention anywhere else of him saying this to a psychiatrist?


I didn't know, and I told the story behind the Chapman section of Nowhere Man: When Soft Skull Press accepted the book, in 1999, it was about Lennon's final years and ended when John was alive. There was no Chapman section. Soft Skull's publisher asked me to write one. I didn't want to. He insisted. I thought about it and decided that because I'd attended the sentencing hearing I could write something original and worthwhile.


In late 1999, I wrote Part IV of the book, "The Coda," about Chapman. It's based on my memory, accounts in newspapers and other books, and notes I took in August 1981 at the sentencing hearing.


In "Chapter 27" I say that Chapman said what he did about the bloodied prizefighter immediately after he read from The Catcher in the Rye but before the judge sentenced him to 20 years to life.


I suppose it's possible that the court reporter simply didn't hear Chapman say that.


But after thinking about it for a couple of days it occurred to me that maybe I had the events slightly out of sequence. Maybe Chapman said it after the judge sentenced him, the hearing was over, and the court reporter had stopped transcribing.


I flashed on a scene from 43 years ago: The judge pounds his gavel, dismisses the court, and Chapman, handcuffed, standing by his chair, facing sideways towards me, a cop on each arm, is about to be led out of the courtroom. That's when he says, "I feel like a bloodied prizefighter in the 27th round." But nobody's paying attention. The reporters have their stories, they're on deadline, and they're clamoring to get out. And that's when I write of Chapman, "He walks fearlessly out of the courtroom, holding his head high, veritably glowing with pride. He's done what he came to do."


Whelan questions if this description of Chapman is accurate because nobody else reported it.


Maybe I was the only reporter there who knew that the story wasn't over, and there was one more thing to see and hear.


And by the way, the following quote can be found on page 145 of the Chapman bio Let Me Take You Down, by Jack Jones. This is Chapman speaking to a psychiatrist in Hawaii: "I think of myself as a boxer in the twenty-seventh round with my face all bloody, my teeth knocked out and my body all bruised."


Note to Whelan: Go to Let Me Take You Down in Google books and search for "twenty-seventh round." Comes right up.


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Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 Years Ago?

A poster on Houston Street, in downtown Manhattan, from the early days of the Trump Regime.


With election day little more than a month away, this seems like a good time to revisit the age-old question, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"


Four years ago my wife and I were holed up in our Manhattan apartment, afraid to so much as go to a supermarket because the Covid pandemic was ravaging the world. All too recently it had been killing a thousand people a day in New York City, where mobile morgues were parked outside every hospital to handle the overflow of dead bodies. As I recall, we had a president who was telling people to inject bleach; take ivermectin, a medication used to treat parasitic worms in animals and humans; and shine a strong light up your ass.


The people dying around me—relatives and acquaintances—trivialized whatever economic pain I might have felt from the cancellation of a promo tour for my book Bobby in Naziland (since re-released as A Brooklyn Memoir) published a few months before the pandemic began.


So, yes, things are a hell of a lot better now than they were four years ago, and you can probably guess who I'm voting for. (Spoiler alert: Kamala Harris.)


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John Lennon Sings "Hava Nagila"


In celebration of the upcoming Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah, 5785, on October 2, I present John Lennon singing "Hava Nagila" at the Amsterdam Hilton. This took place March 1969 during John and Yoko Ono's Bed-In for peace while they were being interviewed by Israeli journalist Akiva Nof, a correspondent for the Voice Of Israel.


Nof had written a Hebrew song about Jerusalem and persuaded John to sing that, too. You can also hear John playing "I Want You (She's So Heavy)," which he says is "from the new Beatles album that was not released yet," meaning Abbey Road.


Muchas gracias to Mexican journalist Esteban Cisneros for bringing this video to my attention. And happy new year to one and all!


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The Tio Pepe Museum of Fine Art


In the final weeks of her life, Sonja Wagner told her friends to go to her loft and take whatever pieces of art they wanted. There was much to choose from among the paintings, photographs, metal sculptures, and assemblages. Sonja, who passed away last year at age 85, was a prolific artist. My wife, Mary Lyn Maiscott, and I simply didn't have enough wall or storage space to take everything we loved.


As I was browsing the collection, I came across a framed photograph that Sonja had manipulated to look like a painting—that was one of her specialties. It was a gorgeous shot of pennants flying above a street in a Spanish city. One of the pennants said "Tio Pepe," a type of sherry.


"We need to take this one," I said to Mary Lyn.


Our friends Rocio and Jimmy Sanz own Tio Pepe, a Spanish restaurant that's been on West 4th Street, in Greenwich Village, for more than 50 years.


The other week, I brought the photo to Tio Pepe and told the manager, Leana Zittlau, about Sonja. She hung it on the wall in a conspicuous spot next to a Spanish flag, off to the left as you walk in. Leana then shot me standing next to the photo and posted it on Tio Pepe's Instagram.


The plan now is for Sonja's friends to gather by her photo for a meal at what I now call The Tio Pepe Museum of Fine Art and once again celebrate her extraordinary life.


You can see more of Sonja's artwork and read about her life in an article I wrote for The Village Voice.


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If you've been following this blog then you probably know that I've been working on a book about the 1970s, set at a radical student newspaper, Observation Post (OP), at the City College of New York. Below is an outtake from that book—a section I like because it captures a certain vibe. But it slows down the pacing too much at that particular point, so it had to go. (I hope I can find a place where it does work, maybe in a slightly different form.)


It's a description of everything I didn't read on March 10, 1974, in the 400-page, ad-laden Sunday edition of The New York Times as I searched the paper for an article about a cartoon that ran in OP and pissed off a lot of powerful people.


There's so much in here I don't want to read, like a story about a mortar shell that killed 23 South Vietnamese children playing in a schoolyard—no, the war isn't over, not even close—and a story about an exhibit in the Soviet Union about life in America, where a brainwashed Russian visitor asks the guide if Black Americans are allowed to own cars. And I have no interest in the price of copper, though a photo of a man wearing only tennis sneakers, shot in dick-obscuring profile, "streaking" across the Memphis State University campus, America's No. 1 streaking school, catches my eye, but just for a second. And I don't want to know about cops killing Black people in Queens bars or Aretha Franklin opening at the Apollo or straight white people getting married or the ongoing gas crisis or what's playing on Broadway or Off-Broadway or what rock bands are performing at Carnegie Hall, Avery Fisher Hall, the Academy of Music, the Capitol Theatre or what movies are now showing at local theatres, I mean who but a fulltime culture vulture can come close to keeping up with half the shit that's going on in New York? And I absolutely don't want to read about high inflation, the Dow Jones industrial average, the bear market, or the cost of cable TV, which nobody I know has. I'm not looking for a job, so fuck the help wanted ads. Do I care that Francisco Franco is no longer in charge in Spain or Spiro Agnew has been spending his weekends at Frank Sinatra's Palm Springs estate? No I don't. And I already know that Nixon's a criminal undermining the rule of law, and Jesus Freakin' Christ, is there anything more boring than the oh-so-respectable op-eds about foreign affairs? (Though I don't know what I'm missing with Russell Baker's Sunday Observer column, in which he suggests the Watergate conspirators shouldn't be sent to prison but be made to suffer in ways that are "crueler and more exquisitely retributive," like a 10-year stretch in high school.) Spare me the letters to the editor, too, 'cause I don't want to know about the Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board, Norman Podhoretz, or instant Zionism (whatever that is), and I already know that homosexuals exist. And screw the sports section because I know the world champion Knicks beat Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's Milwaukee Bucks, and I have no interest in ads selling new and used Renaults, Dodge Darts, Chevy Vegas, Saabs, Audis, BMWs, or Mercedeses no matter how cheap they are. And forget the whole magazine section, though my mother, when she gets her hands on it, will knock off the crossword puzzle in an hour, and there will be (as there always is) the perpetual ad for a summer camp, Olympus, which will neglect to mention the possibility of kangaroo courts and having a tube of Ben Gay rubbed into your balls as punishment for a guilty verdict. I've looked at the magazine enough to know their formula: Start with an interesting anecdote to grab your attention, then spin off into an endless web of facts and figures, until a blizzard of detail that goes on for thousands of words numbs your mind and you realize you're not reading anymore, as if the editors labor under the impression that if an article's too interesting or too much fun to read then it's not serious enough, and it's only endless data that gives it value, a point, a reason to be published—that an article consisting of nothing but interesting stories and ideas is pointless. Though an ad for those good-looking Adler electric typewriters makes me want one, and another ad in the Book Review for Quality Paperback Books reminds me how I ripped them off Abbie Hoffman–style for their free introductory books, ignoring their threatening letters when I didn't buy the full-priced books I'd agreed to buy. Though perhaps I should have read the article about how some book publishers are receiving 10,000 unsolicited manuscripts each year and are no longer accepting them.


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I'm Wearing Henry Miller


Last week, in a post about "The Chaos of my Bookshelves," I wrote about Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller. I said I'd read it about 10 times and that Miller was a huge influence on my writing.


A couple of days later I found a box outside my door, from my brother, Jerry, who was vacationing in California. He'd gone to Big Sur, where Miller used to live, and visited the Henry Miller Memorial Library. The box contained T-shirts, a tote bag, and a photo of Miller, signed by Erica Jong, who wrote a book about him, The Devil at Large.


In the above photo I'm wearing one of those T-shirts, with a quote from Miller's book Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch. It says: "It was here in Big Sur that I first learned to say 'AMEN.'"


Should I ever be called on the red carpet, this is what I'll wear. Then I can say, "I'm wearing Henry Miller."


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The Chaos of My Bookshelves


In last week's post, "My Habitat," I said I might share a photo showing the chaos of my bookshelves. Well here it is. The two shelves in the photo are similar to my other bookshelves—a disorganized collection of books that have come to me randomly. Some of them I have no idea why they're there or where they came from. Others I've read and loved and will comment on a few of them below.


Before taking the photo, I removed the artwork and most of the tchotchkes on the bottom shelf so you could read the spines. The top shelf I left as is to give you the true flavor of my library.


I'll begin with some of the titles on the bottom shelf.


Lying horizontally in the second pile from the left is Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller. I've read it at least 10 times and it was a huge influence on my writing. I went through a phase where everything I wrote came out sounding like Miller—that's how taken I was by his voice. He taught me that it's possible to write a great book that's voice-driven rather than plot-driven.


On top of the horizontal pile on the far right is The Good Soldier, by Ford Maddox Ford. It's considered a classic, it's been lying around here since the dawn of time, and I finally picked it up about a year ago. It's boring.


Below The Good Soldier is On the Road, by Jack Kerouac. It's another book I've read multiple times, beginning in my late teens. Kerouac turned me into a hitchhiking fanatic. Between 1970, when I took my first serious hitchhiking trip, and 1978, when I quit hitchhiking because the vibes on the road had gotten too threatening, I put on about 25,000 miles by thumb, through the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Israel. This summer marks the 50th anniversary of my hitchhiking from New York to San Francisco, more or less following the route Kerouac took in 1947.


Among the books standing upright on the bottom shelf is An American Tragedy, by Theodore Dreiser. I haven't read it, but it did remind me that in 1978 I read his earlier novel, Sister Carrie. I remember little about it other than in the early 1900s it was banned for its "sexual immorality," and I enjoyed reading it more than I thought I would.


In the middle of the shelf is Household Hints & Handy Tips, a Reader's Digest book. I mention it only because my wife, Mary Lyn Maiscott, did much of the research for it, which means if you're looking for some handy household hints you can trust this book. We do. (Perhaps we should consult it for the proper care of bookshelves.)


City on Fire, by Garth Risk Hallberg, is the fattest book on the shelf. Everybody was writing about this tale of New York City in the 1970s when it was published in 2015—because the author received a $2 million advance, the most ever paid for a debut novel. I read it and it was pretty good. But $2 million good? This guy must have some agent.


On the top shelf, where all the spines are partially obscured, I'll comment on the artwork, tchotchkes, and other items. 


Long before Nowhere Man was published, I was working on a fictional version of the story, which I called Rockjesus. One of my former coworkers, Rita Trieger, designed the dummy cover, and I used it as part of the package I was sending to agents.


Other items on the shelf include a toy Space Shuttle; two paintings of trout by my friend the late John Babbs, a fisherman who lived in Oregon and was on the Electric Kool-Aid Acid bus; an antique menorah with a candle holder missing; and a couple of impressions of my teeth.


Behind the fish painting on the left is Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy, one of the very few 19th-century novels I enjoyed reading. 


Behind the menorah is The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol 2. In college, one of my professors described it as "the crème de la crème" of English literature. It is, and I still refer to it on occasion.


Lying horizontally towards the right is a pile of videocassettes. The red one on top is a video of Jeopardy from December 26, 2003, the first time Nowhere Man was a question on the show. The second time was October 18, 2023. So, every 20 years. Cool.


Now, if I can only find that copy of Angela's Ashes, by Frank McCourt. I've been meaning to read it for years and it's rumored to be around here somewhere.


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My Habitat


Over on Facebook, there's a group called "The Rosen Book Salon," though perhaps a better name might be "The Rosen Book Saloon." I describe it as "A forum to discuss the wide-range of topics I explore in my my writing, especially my three books: Nowhere Man: The Final Days of John Lennon, A Brooklyn Memoir, and Beaver Street: A History of Modern Pornography." The discussions are lively and civil, and if you haven't yet joined the group I'd urge you to do so.


Obviously, the Salon (or Saloon) is a virtual room. It's been around for many years, and after all this time I thought you might like to see the real Salon—the actual habitat where I live and write. So here's a photo of the main room of the Manhattan apartment (I can't call it a saloon) I share with my wife, Mary Lyn Maiscott, a singer songwriter who's also my editor, and our cat, Oiseau.


We're in Soho. The large windows face MacDougal Street and look east; the smaller window on the left faces north. Look out and you can see the Empire State Building. In the far left corner, between the windows, is the desk where I work. You can also see Mary Lyn's piano, and in the foreground, on the left, the neck of her guitar. There are also a lot of books here, probably more than you can imagine. But they're out of the frame, and they're not well organized. Maybe next time I'll share the chaos of the Rosen Book Salon Library.


Until then, I'll see you on Facebook, in The Rosen Book Salon or Saloon if you prefer.


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