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The Weekly Blague

Give Your Brain the Day Off

Photo by Mary Lyn Maiscott


Perhaps you've been attending a demonstration or two, reading more news than is healthy, and every now and then tuning in to the chatterboxes on cable TV. That's how I've been navigating yet another week of daily American trauma. So I'm giving my brain a day off. Okay, maybe not the whole day. Maybe just an hour or so. And I've been looking at the above photo—a snow-frosted Montauk sand dune, the Atlantic Ocean in the background. It relaxes me in a Zen kind of way, takes my mind off the ongoing horrorshow, and stops me from obsessing on the idea that we're all living in Bizarro World Camelot on a cube-shaped planet.


I hope you, too, will find the photo at least a little soothing.

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