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The Weekly Blague

I've Got Nothing to Say...

Photo by Mary Lyn Maiscott.


...because I read the news though I can't stand reading the news and try not to read the news because every breaking story is a fresh slap in the face that makes me feel depressed and helpless and reminds me of all the things beyond my control. So my wife and I fled to Montauk for a couple of days the other week to try to forget about reality. And here I am sitting in a cottage by the ocean, scrolling through my phone, probably reading the news and telling myself I shouldn't be reading the news, not here, not now, and that I'd like to go back to the way I was when I was 16, and didn't care about politics, and the only news I read was on the sports pages.


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Greetings From Montauk

We have escaped to Montauk, a little village at the eastern tip of Long Island. It's serene here. This is the view of the Atlantic Ocean from the window of our cottage. I'll be back next week. Till then...

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